June 5, 2009

Punctuality & Handphone Usage

As mentioned before, ANY latecomer will be punished accordingly UNLESS VALID reasons are given and no leeways will be allowed. ALL should be responsible enough to come not only just on time, BUT EARLIER (about 5-10 minutes) so that we can start preparing for session. We do not wish to carry out any punishments but if need be, the Committee shall do so.
* ALL members shall follow the standard timing from the Dream Studio computer

For Secondary 1s, for a 1ST TIME latecoming, you will be punished ONLY infront of the Commitee members. If you are late for MORE THAN 1 time, you will be punished in front of the Club.

As for Sec 2s and 3s, ONCE you are late, you will be punished in front of EVERYONE. You all know the club rules better than your juniors, hence punishments will be harsher.

For Commitee members, punishments apply accordingly. You are all role models, so uphold the name as a leader in Drama Club and please, lead by example.

Handphone Usage
NO handphones should be used once session commmences, inclusive of the Committee members. If anyone is spotted using handphones, Commitee members will CONFISCATE the handphone for the entire session.

If you really need to use the phone, do seek for permission from either the teachers-in-charge or any of the Committee members. Don't use phones in session unnecessarily and we thank all for your cooperation.

- Michael

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